folder that is created here duser hidden can also be used to store data, so all the data which follow in the super hidden.
I may be somewhat similar to how open the folder and file super hidden, only the syntax is just different. just follow the steps:
**Create super hidden folder**
1. go to DOS window (run type cmd)
2.the first step type cd.. hit enter again and type cd.. enter.
3. documen location where the search is located, for example in the drive (D:), then type D: enter.
4. next type attrib -s -h folder_name (do not forget to use space) hit enter.
5. selesai
to make a super hidden file is also in the same way up. only on thefolder_name changed to file_name.txt (and its extension)
expected to direct more clearly let practice.
may still banya ways that others, this is only part of a variety of ways to make super hidden.
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