history blog
blog first time popularized by blogger.com, has by pyralab and final pyralab admitted contents by google.com by the end of year 2002 ago. and after the t that is many spring up applications that support and has opened for blogger sweet/ author blog.
blog has function very various, from a daily note, publication media in a policies campaign, up to media programs and companies. a part blog maintained by a single author, temporary a part another by several authors. quite a few weblog that has interaction facilities with the visitors, can allow the visitors to leave comment on contents from article that publicized, but such there also on the contrary or has non-interaktif.
web sites mutual related blessing weblog, or according to entire be collection weblog often called as blogosphere. when a activity wave collection, information and opinion very big repeatedly appear for a few subject or very controversial happen in "blogosphere", so that thing often called as "blogstorm" or "storm blog".
kinds blog
blog policies: about message, policies, activist, and all problems based on blog (like campaign).
blog individual: called also online diary that contain about experience everyday somebody, complaint, poetry or poem, wicked brainchild, and friend discussion.
blog that has topic: blog that discuss about a certain, and focus in certain criticism
blog well-being: more specific about well-being. blog well-being majority full about patient complaint, newest well-being message, explanations about well-being, etc. >blog literature: more knowledgeable as "litblog (literary blog)" .
blog trip: focus in trip story criticism that narated explanations about trip/traveling.
blog research: problem about academic likes newest research message.
blog law: problem about law or law affair; called also with blawgs (blog laws).
blog media: berfokus in falsehood criticism or ketidakkonsistensi mass media; usually just for newspaper or television network
blog religion: discuss about religion
blog education: usually written by student or teacher.
blog togetherness: topic more specific is written by certain group.
blog instruction ("merectory"): full hundreds yard link website.
blog business: used by official or wirausahawan for their business promotion ctivity
blog personification: focus about human outdoor object; doggish
blog intruder ("spam"): used for business promotion affiliate; also known as plogs (spam blog)
crime risk
because blog often used to write activity everyday that in the author, and or merefleksi the author opinions about assorted topic that and to share information - blog be information source to all "hacker", identity thief, spy, and other as it. many secrets bundles and sensitive rumors writing is found in blog. this matter haves stopped somebody from the job, the access is hitted to blocks, fined, and even caught.
source by: www.wikipedia.org
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