To find out how, follow these steps:
- Suse Into Yast and install Unrar.
- Ubuntu Linux
- Debian Linux
- Fedora core Linux
- Free BSD
$ sudo apt-get install unrar
$ apt-get install unrar
$ yum install unrar
$ pkg_add -v -r unrar
Or you can also extract by using the linux console. See the following ways:
- To extract the zip file
- To extract the tar.gz file
- To extract a tar.bz2 file
tar -xzf name_name.tar.gzor
tar -xvzf file_name.tar.gz
tar -xjf file_name.tar.bz2or
tar -xvjf file_name.tar.bz2
For me zip files are very important but couple days ago my sister by chance deleted whole of them. Luckily for me I remembered about my old friend and called him. He advised me - repair file zip. And it resolved my proposition with ease and for free as I bore in mind.