How To Extract rar files, zip, tar.tgz and tar.bz2 in linux

1 comment
If you are a new user linux OS, you'll be in trouble when extracting a file extension to rar, zip, tar.tgz, and tar.bz2. At this opportunity I will give all sections and how to extract the files to open rar, zip, tar.tgz, tar.bz2.

To find out how, follow these steps:
  1. Suse
  2. Into Yast and install Unrar. 
  3. Ubuntu Linux
  4. $ sudo apt-get install unrar
  5. Debian Linux
  6. $ apt-get install unrar
  7. Fedora core Linux
  8. $ yum install unrar
  9. Free BSD
  10. $ pkg_add -v -r unrar
Once successfully installed, now you can open and extract the files that have extensions zip, rar, tar.tgz, tar.bz2.
Or you can also extract by using the linux console. See the following ways:
  1. To extract the zip file
  2. unzip
  3. To extract the tar.gz file
  4. tar -xzf name_name.tar.gz
    tar -xvzf file_name.tar.gz
  5. To extract a tar.bz2 file
  6. tar -xjf file_name.tar.bz2
    tar -xvjf file_name.tar.bz2
good luck!!

1 comment:

  1. For me zip files are very important but couple days ago my sister by chance deleted whole of them. Luckily for me I remembered about my old friend and called him. He advised me - repair file zip. And it resolved my proposition with ease and for free as I bore in mind.
