the first condition of our bandwidth is so small to load the data in the blog is so much longer. especially if the connection is often dropped out. frustrating ..
both because of the blogs that you open too many widgets to be loaded by the blog. and may still be many other reasons.
if you want your blog easily accessible, fast loadingnya then follow these steps:
previously, if you want to know how many blogs you have please test here . see picture
silahkan test disini. lihat gambarnya
After the test blog description is shown how heavy your blog and how much time loading the required speed and average KB per your blog.
Ideally for a good blog will have a heavy blog about 100Kb. then your blog is fast when accessed by a visitor. see the blog I have now is still 57.2 KB mean speed when opening my blog 0.69 seconds and the average speed of 0:01 seconds.
Okay this is simply that your blog is lighter
1. Remove all unnecessary
if you need to know too much javascript, flash animation and the images do not need to have on your blog then your blog will be loading the old if opened.
2. Avoid nested tables
Do not use the table because most of the browser longer to load your blog.
3. It is better to use CSS
Associated with the use Cascading Style Sheet, which is basically only one set of instructions on how to represent elements of the source code will be much lighter, so that load more quickly. eg you can change the code like this:
<div align="right"> <font face="Arial, Verdana, Sans Serif" color="#008000" size="3"> <b> Here is some text </ b> </ font> </ div >
many sources from the internet where you can learn about the basics of CSS. try to learn bit by bit!
4. Optimize your Pictures
Image is the most serious of many websites. Try to reduce the number of images as much as possible. Remove all the fancy animated GIF and replace it with a static image.
Always specify the width and height of an image with the image tag attribute set. Thus, the browser will already know how things will look like and will take the rest of the page. If not, he was taking a picture first and then the rest of the page.
Consider using a small thumbnail is clicked, the image is not great anywhere.
Reduce your image file. there are many free tools that are used to reduce the image size. For example, for GIFCruncher and GIFs JPEG Wizard to JPEGs.
Not use GIFs JPEGs. JPEGS only applies to images such as photos, for all web graphics GIF is usually a better choice.
5. Clearing code
WYSIWYG HTML editor is usually a lot of the things that do not need to code such as empty tags (eg <font> </ font>) and comments in the source code. close with a simple text editor for web site load faster.
6. Remove whitespaces
Each room is unnecessary between the tags and new line characters to increase the size of the page. You can easily remove them with free on HTML Optimizer